Update Gridview With Stored Procedure Parameters
Android Tutorials Android App SmartPhone Tablets. Here Mudassar Ahmed Khan has explained how to use and return value from Stored Procedure using Output Parameter in ASP. Net. For this article I a Table named Fruits is. ASP. NET c Update. Progress does not show. Hi all. This is my first attempt to use the Update. Progress feature, and Im struggling a bit I cant get the Update. Progress panel to show. What I have is a Grid. View and a Chart in separate Update. Panels. When I click the Update button, I call a stored procedure which I then bind to the Grid. View and the Chart. This stored procedure takes a while to run because of the amount of data that it has to process. It is while this stored procedure is executing that I would like to show my loading gif in the Update. Progress. However it does not show. Here is my aspx codelt body lt form idform. Container lt div idmsgboxpanel runatserver lt div lt div lt asp Toolkit. Script. Manager IDToolkit. Script. Manager. 1 runatserver Enable. Script. Globalizationtrue Enable. Script. Localizationtrue lt asp Toolkit. Script. Manager lt div lt asp Update. Progress idupdate. Update Gridview With Stored Procedure Parameters' title='Update Gridview With Stored Procedure Parameters' />Progress runatserver lt Progress. Template lt div styleposition fixed text align center height 1. Image IDimg. Update. Progress runatserver Image. Urlimagesdesignajax loader. Alternate. TextLoading. Tool. TipLoading. Java2s. com Emailinfo at java2s. Demo Source and Support. All rights reserved. Programming in Delphi Introduction. The Delphi language was formerly known as Object Pascal, and is an objectoriented version of the venerable Pascal language. I am trying to have a SqlDataSource coded programmatically with stored procedure and with parameters. Later I want to assign this SqlDataSource to a listbox as a. Progress. Template lt asp Update. Progress. lt br lt asp Update. Panel IDup. Grid. View runatserver Update. ModeConditional lt Content. Template lt asp Grid. How to return Output parameter from Stored Procedure in ASP. Net using C and VB. Net Here Mudassar Ahmed Khan has explained how to use and return value from Stored. Here I am briefly describing the importance and usage of Stored Procedure, followed by its correlation with C. I also mentioned about ViewState. Create the SQL Server Data Source for Crystal Reports. This project will use a SQL stored procedure called Sales. SalesCustomers from the Adventure Works database. You are missing the AssociatedUpdatePanelID property on you UpdateProgress control. You will need to create a UpdateProgress control for each Update Panel. View IDGrid. View. Auto. Generate. ColumnsTrue Cell. Spacing2. 0 Cell. Padding2 onrowdataboundGrid. View. 1Row. Data. Bound Height1. Grid. View. 1Data. Bound lt Row. Style Css. ClassRow. Style lt Columns lt Columns lt asp Grid. View lt Content. Template lt asp Update. Panel. lt asp Update. Panel IDup. Main. Chart runatserver Update. ModeConditional Visibletrue lt Content. Template lt asp Chart IDChart. Width8. 25px Height4. Image. Storage. ModeUse. Image. Location lt series lt series lt chartareas lt asp Chart. Area NameChart. Area. Axis. X Arrow. StyleTriangle TitleTidspunkt lt Axis. X lt Axis. Y Arrow. StyleTriangle TitleAntal besg lt Axis. Y lt asp Chart. Area lt chartareas lt asp Chart lt Content. Template lt asp Update. Panel Select all. Open in new window. In my Code behind I have this to fill the Grid. View and the Chart protected void btn. Update. InfoClickobject sender, Event. Args e up. Grid. View. Update update. Progress. Focus Data. Table data. Table. Data. Table Locations Drop. Down. List. 1. Text Sql. Command sql. Com. Sql. Data. Reader sql. Reader. 1 Sql. Data. Reader sql. Reader. System. Data. Sql. Client. Sql. Connection Con new System. Data. Sql. Client. Sql. ConnectionConfiguration. Manager. Connection. StringsXXXXXX. Connection. String Con. Open sql. Com. Sql. CommandReg. Count. Time, Con sql. Com. 2. Command. Type Command. Type. Stored. Procedure sql. Com. 2. Command. Timeout 1. Com. 2. Parameters. Add. With. ValueProject, Project. Id sql. Com. 2. Parameters. Add. With. ValueInterval, 3. Reader. 1 sql. Com. Execute. Reader if sql. Reader. 1. Has. Rows data. Table. 1. Loadsql. Reader. 1 Grid. View. Data. Source data. Table. 1 Grid. View. Data. Bind Chart. Data. Source data. Table. 1 Chart. Data. Bind sql. Reader. Close sql. Reader. Dispose Select all. Open in new window. I hope the above code is enough for you to spot the problem if not let me know and I will post some more. Thanks in advance. Sren. Asp. net insert, Edit, update, delete data in gridview. ASP. NET,C. NET,VB. NET,JQuery,Java. Script,Gridview. Sql. Connection con new. Sql. ConnectionData SourceSuresh. Dasari Integrated Securitytrue Initial CatalogMy. Sample. DB protectedvoid PageLoadobject sender, Event. Args eif Is. Post. BackBind. Employee. Details protectedvoid Bind. Employee. Detailscon. Open Sql. Command cmd new. Sql. CommandSelect from EmployeeDetails, con Sql. Data. Adapter da new. Sql. Data. Adaptercmd Data. Set ds new. Data. Set da. Fillds con. Close if ds. Tables0. Rows. Count 0gv. Details. Data. Source ds gv. Details. Data. Bind elseds. Tables0. Rows. Addds. Tables0. New. Row gv. Details. Data. Source ds gv. Details. Data. Bind int columncount gv. Details. Rows0. Cells. Count gv. Details. Rows0. Cells. Clear gv. Details. Rows0. Cells. Addnew. Table. Cell gv. Details. Rows0. Cells0. Column. Span columncount gv. Details. Rows0. Cells0. Text No Records Found protectedvoid gv. DetailsRow. Editingobject sender, Grid. View. Edit. Event. Args egv. Details. Edit. Index e. New. Edit. Index Bind. Employee. Details protectedvoid gv. DetailsRow. Updatingobject sender, Grid. View. Update. Event. Args eint userid Convert. To. Int. 32gv. Details. Data. Keyse. Row. Index. Value. To. String string username gv. Details. Data. Keyse. Row. Index. ValuesUser. Name. To. String Text. Box txtcity Text. Boxgv. Details. Rowse. Row. Index. Find. Controltxtcity Text. Box txt. Designation Text. Boxgv. Details. Rowse. Row. Index. Find. Controltxt. Desg con. Open Sql. Command cmd new. Sql. Commandupdate EmployeeDetails set City txtcity. Text ,Designation txt. Designation. Text where User. Id userid, con cmd. Execute. Non. Query con. Close lblresult. Fore. Color Color. Green lblresult. Text username Details Updated successfully gv. Details. Edit. Index 1 Bind. Employee. Details protectedvoid gv. DetailsRow. Canceling. Editobject sender, Grid. View. Cancel. Edit. Event. Args egv. Details. Edit. Index 1 Bind. Employee. Details protectedvoid gv. DetailsRow. Deletingobject sender, Grid. View. Delete. Event. Args eint userid Convert. To. Int. 32gv. Details. Data. Keyse. Row. Index. ValuesUser. Id. To. String string username gv. Details. Data. Keyse. Row. Index. ValuesUser. Name. To. String con. Open Sql. Command cmd new. Sql. Commanddelete from EmployeeDetails where User. Id userid, con int result cmd. Clipart Jesus And The Woman At The Well. Execute. Non. Query con. Close if result 1Bind. Employee. Details lblresult. Fore. Color Color. Red lblresult. Text username details deleted successfully protectedvoid gv. DetailsRow. Commandobject sender, Grid. View. Command. Event. Args eife. Command. Name. EqualsAdd. NewText. Box txt. Usrname Text. Boxgv. Details. Footer. Row. Find. Controltxtftrusrname Text. Box txt. City Text. Boxgv. Details. Footer. Row. Find. Controltxtftrcity Text. Box txt. Desgnation Text. Box gv. Details. Footer. Row. Find. Controltxtftr. Designation con. Open Sql. Command cmd new. Sql. Commandinsert into EmployeeDetailsUser. Name,City,Designation values txt. Usrname. Text, txt. City. Text, txt. Desgnation. Text, con int result cmd. Execute. Non. Query con. Close ifresult1Bind. Employee. Details lblresult. Fore. Color Color. Green lblresult. Text txt. Usrname. Text Details inserted successfully elselblresult. Fore. Color Color. Red lblresult. Text txt. Usrname. Text Details not inserted.